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Solana NFT Tools

The Solana eco-system provides many tools to help you trading your NFTs. It’s a bit hard to find your way into it. Fortunately, I curated for you the ones that are the most useful to me. It will give you a quick start for your journey in the Solana space.


The best tool for NFT trading is by far It’s a very fast app that provides you with many features to make proper deals:

  • Fast browsing of daily top 24h volume collections via filters and clear listing.
  • A system to explore collection listings and order books visually or via simple tables.
  • Listing capabilities (instant-trade or like in any marketplaces)

A good alternative is, it’s a little bit less geeky but it has less features too.

Tensor Trade screenshot


Magiceden is the default marketplace to trade all your NFTs,. But there are lighter alternatives you can use like or

Coral Cube screenshot


It’s common that you want to trade a NFT with someone you met on Discord. With a raw wallet there is no safe way to do this. But Foxy Swap ( can secure this for a few $FOXY by acting as a middleman. You just select the NFT you want to trade from a given wallet. Then you can propose your own NFT for trading. You will be sure that the trade will happen as you set it.

Foxy Swap screenshot

Token marketplace

Many collections propose rewards as tokens. These tokens can have many different utilities and they are provided to collection holders through staking or events. But, an alternate way to get them is to trade them on the Famous foxes token market:

It acts like any decentralize exchange, you can set orders or buy directly from listed orders.

Tokenmarket screenshot


To get an overview of the main statistics of a collections such a mint date, number of holders, Twitter followers, Discord members and volumes, is the place for it. It’s easy to find the collection you are interested in and dashboards are pretty clear.

Statistics screenshot


You may need some sols for a spot opportunity but they are stuck in a NFT you want to hold. Some platforms allow you to some sols and put your NFT as collateral. It’s quite risky because the interest rate is high and a price drop of your NFT can make you lose it. Still, it can be handy from time to time. is the most popular platform for lending or borrowing.

There are alternative lending platform named Citrus ( and Frakt (

Lending screenshot

That’s it, I hope you enjoyed and discovered new tools. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!

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you can use my Tensor Trade referral for your NFT trading: UVA094.

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