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The Foxylend Guide


Borrowing may make you feel like you are in a needy situation and that it could turn against you. With Foxylend, that’s not the case. You pay upfront a fox for a mission, and that’s it: there is no hidden cost. The only question you have to answer before borrowing a fox is: is it worth doing it?

Evaluate fame rewards

The answer is not that simple because it’s mainly tied to how much you value fame points. Basically, a mission rewards you with chest and fame points. To enter into a mission, sometimes you miss elements like a second fox or simply a fox. So, the parameters you have to take into account before renting a fox is to consider where you start and what you will obtain with this mission. In other words, you have to evaluate how much extra fames and chests you will get.

Look for x2 missions

The best time to borrow is for a x2 mission because the borrowing will give you more chests and more fame to your fox. x1 missions can be interesting too, but the benefit will be in chests only.

Double check your borrowing

You have to really think before doing a borrow because it cannot be canceled. So first, make sure you are borrowing the right fox for your mission. Things can go wrong, especially when there are missions where two different traits are needed. Some foxes will appear as eligible while you already have their traits.

Do the maths

Now everything is clear, to help you with this decision, I built a table showing what you will obtain depending on where you start. To build this table, I made the following assumptions (please adapt the number depending on their market value):

  • 1 chest costs 0.15 sols (average price on FFF token market)
  • 1000 fame points cost 0.15 sols (average price on FFF token market)
  • 1000 $FOXY costs 0.2 sols
  • A x2 mission + den brings 22 000 fame instead of 8000, so it brings 14 000 fame
  • A x2 mission brings 20 000 fame instead of 8000, so it brings 12 000 fame

Be cautious with rewards:

  • Adapt fame rewards to your actual mission
  • Check the chest value on the token market

NB: Here, I consider we sell the chests, but you could for sure keep them open and hope for higher rewards, but it comes with an increased risk. The fame points cannot be sold, but it represent the extra cost if you want to buy them.

Borrowing that bring extra rewards

!!! The gain evaluation is based on fame, so it should be taken cautiously !!!

Mission RequirementsInitial inventoryInventory lendExtra GainEquivalent in solsEquivalent in foxyRough max borrowing price
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 fox, 1den1 fox14k fame + 8 chests2,1 + 1,21650015000
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 fox, 1den1 tff14k fame + 5 chests2,1+ 0,751425013000
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 tff, 1 den1 fox2.5k fame + 5 chests0,3 + 0,7552504500
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 tff, 1 den1 tff2.5k fame + 2 chests0,3 + 0,330002500
2 fox or tff1 fox1 fox12k fame + 8 chests1,8 + 1,21500014000
2 fox or tff1 fox1 tff12k fame + 5 chests1,8 + 0,751275012000
2 fox or tff1 tff1 fox2.5k fame + 5 chests0,3 + 0,7552504500
2 fox or tff1 tff1 tff2.5k fame + 2 chests0,3 + 0,330002500

Borrowing that don’t bring extra rewards

Mission RequirementsInitial inventoryInventory lendExtra GainEquivalent in solsEquivalent in foxyRough max borrowing price
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 den2 fox8 chests1,260002500 each
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 den1 fox + 1 tff5 chests0,7537503200 for both
2 fox or tff, 1 den1 den2 tff2 chests0,31500500 each
1 fox or tff, 1 den1 den1 fox4 chests0,630002500
1 fox or tff, 1 den1 den1 tff1 chest0,15750500
2 fox or tff02 fox8 chests1,260002500 each
2 fox or tff02 tff2 chests0,31500600 each
1 fox01 fox4 chests0,630002500
1 tff01 tff1 chests0,15750500


How it works

The lending benefits are much simpler. You are missing elements to send your Fox directly to a mission, or you prefer a good amount of $FOXYs instead of chests. So, the simplest thing to do is to lend it to someone for a bunch of $FOXYs. You will gain experience from the mission, but your fox will be sent back only when its mission finishes.

Chose the right price

That’s a good idea, but how to set the right price? There is no magic recipe. The price range is roughly 1500-4000 $FOXY for a Fox and 400-1700 for a TFF. If you set a low price, it’s more likely that your Fox will be chosen fast. But you can try to be at the top of the range, wait longer, and cross your fingers for your Fox to be borrowed.

Set low prices for faster renting and higher prices for more but riskier rewards.

NB: We saw in the borrow guide that the best outcome for a borrower is to complete an x2 mission. If there are no x2 missions, you should lower your lending expectations.


Don’t try to rent a fox for a free price just to get the extra fame. Some users will punish you by renting it and removing it from the market.


That’s it! As you understand, Foxylend can really improve your passive income. It should be considered if you want to level up your Fox faster and want to be able to buy its upgrades. Done properly, it will allow you to get extra fame or extra chests at a good price.

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