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Solana DAO tools

To build a strong community for your NFT collection, the Solana eco-system proposes a wide-range of tools. This guide aims at listing the must-have software required to delight and serve your holders.

Discord access and role management: Matrica

Like any DAO, you probably want to give restricted access to holders verifying certain conditions. For that you need to give specific roles only to holders of your NFT. Another good idea is to reward multiple holders with specific badges. Matrica can handle both for you. In some way it’s the gatekeeper of your Discord.

Additionally it comes with a sales bot allowing to have a feed of every sales in your Discord.

Cost: 5 sol a month or burning two of their NFTs for a lifetime usage.

Whitelist and giveaway management: Subber

To enlighten your community, it’s common to offer whitelist spots or presales of upcoming collections. Managing, the winning conditions, the winners and the participants can be tedious. Subber proposes to handle all the heavy stuff for you and integrates seamlessly with your Discord server. It comes too with social features between all the community using Subber.

Cost: free

Pre-sales and merchandising payment: Helio

If you want to run a pre-sale session or needs to sell anything to your community while keeping the web3 vibe, you will have to handle payment through Solana wallets. Online payment can be very tricky. Fortunately, the Helio platform can manage everything for you. It will allow you to set up online form where your users can pay with any token and then have access to their goods.

Cost: 2% fees + holding a NFT from their collection (or paying 50$/month)

Governance management: Hadeswap

To run the important votes for the proposals of your DAO on chain it’s better to use a proven solution. Hadeswap, aside its AMM, proposes the necessary tooling to submit a proposal and run votes for. It allows to show the community possessions too.

Cost: free

Community engagement: Utility Ape

To motivate your community to advertise your collection, you can reward them with your collection tokens when they retweet, like or comment your publications. The same way, you may want them to comment popular tweets meaningful for your collection. It’s not something easy to manage unless you use a tool like Utility Ape. They provide you with efficient Dashboards to deal with community engagement and connect directly with Discord to allow rewarding their Twitter actions through Discord..

Alternatives are popping up like AlphaPharaos or Mindfolk Connect but currently Utility Ape seems to be the market leader.

Cost: Between 60$/month and 300$/month depending on the Discord size.

Crypto and NFT news: Syndicate Network

Another way to enlighten your community is to provide qualitative news every day right into your Discord. Syndicate Network does research everyday to provide your holders with the latest actuality.

Cost: free (sponsored content upcoming)

Funds management: Squads

Another big question is: how to manage the funds collected by your DAO? One thing to build more trust is to have a wallet managed by several persons: a multi-sig wallet that requires the approval of several persons to confirm a transaction. Squads manages this for you and provides many services to diversify your fund investments: tokens buying, NFTs, validator staking, and more. No more headache for the fund governance!

Cost: unknown

Automatic activity: MEE6

Last but not least, a tool massively used by any Discord community, the MEE6 bot. It allows you to setup automatic actions like welcoming new users or creating reaction roles. It tracks for you the members activity and give them levels related to their activity.

Cost: 40$ month

That’s it, I hope you enjoyed and discovered new tools. Please let me know if you have any suggestions!

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